Fascistbook, I Mean, Facebook Bans Me For 24 Hours For Writing This Comment


LOL!!! Hmmmm….let me think about this for a minute..I literally get thousands of “likes” a week on facebook from my comments..which means I am making some very nice money for facebook and their relentless BANNER-AD assaults through their “spying on americans” platform…

But now…..I have permanently deactivated my account..which means facebook is going to lose some money from their spying corporate masters who pay facebook to have their bogus BANNER ADS splashed all over that shitty  website that takes hours for a 30 second video to load up…So now, I’m thinking that I was correct in my comment which got me banned from facebook for 24 hours…LAUGHING OUT LOUD..I mean, it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet…and this is the email I received from facebook this morning “We (facebook) miss you on facebook”… 🙂

My Cat Gorilla And The Heating Pad


So…I blew my back out real good last week…4 days straight on the heating pad…and then BAM!!! My back clicks back in like nothing ever happened..Unfortunately, now my cat GORILLA will not get off the heating pad…Even worse, every time I try to put the heating pad away, my boy GORILLA starts incessantly wailing like I did when my back was killing me…So…I am wondering…does my kitty have a stiff back???..Or… did my kitty just extort me for a 35 dollar heating pad as his Christmas gift.

Fact: If Hillary Had Picked Bernie As Her Vice President, She Would Be


I going to keep this real short and get right to the point…It’s called compromising with your own base silly, lying neo-liberals….It has been done BEFORE i.e. when JFK picked his competitor Lyndon Johnson after winning the 1960 Democratic primaries..OR…when Ronald Reagan chose his competitor Bush Sr. after winning the 1980 Republican primaries..Long story short, this past election in a nutshell…Wall Street hired Hillary to protect Conald Trump from Bernie Sanders and THE REAL, NON-VIOLENT revolution that was sweeping across America i.e the “FEEL THE BERN” movement..This was done intentionally and I have proof of this fact..Stay tuned…Inc. God We Trust…

P.s. If you look at the pics below, you will see that I was 100% correct in my prediction as of February 11th, 2016 (the very beginning of the Democratic primaries) when I was responding back to a EXTREMELY rude, fellow WordPress blogger…This EXTREMELY rude blogger is THE PERFECT EXAMPLE as to why Hillary Clinton and her voters, in essence, handed all 3 branches of GOVERNMENT to the TREACHEROUS republican party


