Chicken Boy Trump Backs Out Of Debate With Bernie


So…let me get this straight…Chicken Boy Trump opens his big fat mouth about wanting to debate Bernie…then Chicken Boy Trump realizes that this might not be such a good idea to be publicly humiliated by BERNIE on national, Chicken Boy Trump backs out…Long story short, this hillary puppet wants us to believe he can cut deals with the CUT THROAT leaders of this world..To quote the donald himself, I will say, “GET HIM OUT OF HERE!”

Chicken Manure Donald Trump Doesn’t Have The Balls To Debate Bernie


There’s an old saying in New York City – “Manhattan keeps on making it….Brooklyn keeps on taking it…Bronx keeps on creating it..AND QUEENS KEEPS ON FAKING IT..”  I’ll keep this short…If Queens born Donald “Little Hands” Trump had the balls to debate Brooklyn born Bernie Sanders..Bernie would eat TRUMP’S lunch in a matter of seconds…It wouldn’t even be fair and is why Little Hands will never debate Bernie..Or, in other words,Trump is all mouth and no action…no different from all the politicians he loves to rip into..

No More Next Years:

If the democratic party doesn’t grow a brain really fast..I might be joining the #bernieorbust movement come this election


1955_next_year Was Brooklyn-born Bernie in the stands with the rest of “dem bums” . . . ?

It’s become increasingly apparent that the most vital plank in the 2016 Democratic Convention Platform will be reforming the entire nomination process.  For starters, Bernie wants to “open up” the primaries to parties of every political persuasion, including Republicans and Independents.  The standard argument against this is that it opens the door for the GOP to mobilize their base to vote for the “weaker” candidate, thereby sabotaging the Dems in the general election.   Well what does “weaker” candidate really mean anyway?  Someone who truly represents old school Democratic values?  Someone like Bernie Sanders?

History of the Hijack

Back in ’72, George McGovern got blown out by the incumbent (Nixon) because the economy seemed strong and Vietnam was winding down, yet McGovern’s loss is commonly cited as a rationale for the Democrats current super-delegate system. …

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Little Hands 4 President


I’m no fan of hillary whatsoever…but I do admire the fact that she has bigger hands than donald trump…and, I am no fan of NEO-CON and WAR MONGER marco rubio..but his observation about trump’s little “hands” is classic.

And, just like Trump trade-marked “Make America Great Again”..I think I am going to trade-mark “Little Hands 4 President” 😉 🙂